This page briefly covers or links to the following available introductions and/or descripitons:
Stamp Issuing Entities Glossaries/Tools Postal Authorities Postal Agents Advertising
Dealers Indexes Search Random Notes 'Other Elements'
Dealers: A Commercial Directory - 'Soup to Nuts' - including Books, Auctions, News, Services & Resources ... - No Frames , & as a sub-menu in frames
A World Dealer's Directory organized by country of dealer's location »[Frames], No Frames »Special emphasis is given 'Expertization' and 'Auction Agent' listings And Includes the following more regional sub directories:
Australian Dealer's Directory - incl. States & Territories Canadian Dealer's Directory - incl. Provinces & Territories U.S. Dealer's Directory - incl. Territories & Possessions United Kingdom Dealer's Directory - incl. counties, Wales, Scotland, N. Ireland etc. Note:The Postal Agents' menus provide a list of agents by location cross-referenced with the Postal Authority of their home country.
NEW as of 5/2001: We deonte known eBay sellers and those who accept PayPal. In individual listings we use, for PayPal, the symboland, for eBay,
(with a link to their sellers page if known.)
And in associated indexes 'eBay' or 'PayPal' is spelled out. PayPal may also be indicated with a small dot (·) or a double right caret (») to the right. :Index, Inc. (ref) .us-GA » George C. Baxley Stamps .us-NM 88311 · Mark Bloxham Stamps (GB, ww; eBay ) .uk-en-TW
(We also use the dot in the US and World menu systems to denote states and nations with data or listings. it's a new directory and will take time to pupulate it - so submit a listing for your stamp related business or for your favorite dealers.)
- The 'General Philatelic Index' covers the areas of:
- Stamp Issuing Entities
- Basic Collecting
- Specialized Collecting
- Topical Collecting
- Authors and Articles
- » Intially covers associations, clubs and topics
- (We're not there yet but we're working ...)
- The World Dealers Index includes:
- Entries by name from The World Dealers Directory
- Topics in our Commercial Directory
- Individual Postal Agents
- This is where an index is more than just an 'index'
- Each entry, where possible, is listed using at least a two (2) letter internet or ID country code (and, now in addition, a postal code if known) to indicate the dealer's country of origin and, thus, placement - or possible placement - in the World Dealers Directory. If it is a 'link' it is in the Directory. Many entries in the index are NOT yet in the Directory and appear ONLY in the index - for now.
Some Examples:- Daebel, Roland (Expertization: .is) .de
- includes specialty (.is) & directory (.de) links
- Filco (Agency) .si
- provides links to both Postal Agent and Dealer pages.
- Finklestein, B. A. (Israel yr sets) .us-NY
- We've looked but not yet decided; links directly to their site.
- Flying Buffalo Inc. (tax stamps for illegal substances; special ref.)
- - The 'ref' leads to a special feature on this site.
- - Location needs re-investigating .. so it links to them.
- First Flight Covers (Br C'wealth; ref
) .us-PA
- - Special feature/ref indicated, directory placement indicated.
- French Stamp Agency in North America (buy at 'face', aka: Unicover) .us-WY
- - 'Agency' status, directory link w/'clue': 'Unicover'.
- Fusco Auctions - Paul J. fusco (sic, Auction Agent3, ...) .us-OH
On Names: An organization using a personal name in its title (e.g. Greg Manning, Inc.) is filed by the first letter; i.e. 'G', otherwise a personal name (e.g. Joe Luft) is filed by last name; i.e. 'L' as 'Luft, Joe' ... (in Joe's case he gets both!)
The '&' says 'Expertization' includes country of origin.
ie '.it' (Italy) as well as 'Europe' as a specialty. Here, a special
link is provided to an 'interview' and then to the full listing in '.it'
Where possible, links are provided to each area of specialization (.de is implied for the period 1872-1916 by the absense of any other reference, the 'ref' leads to 'air' related topical listings, the .li to a cross-reference for that country) and as well as the specific listing (.de) where full contact data is available.
Efforts are also under way to provide cross links for these experts from other areas (e.g. Entities Menu system).
Additional information is to be found in a related terminology page and there is a specialized subset index which is also available in Frames.
A link at the bottom of "List of Advertises" called 'Data' is a progress register for index work.
sic - but currently limited to the philatelic areas - e.g. Stamp Issuing Entities, Specialized Collecting, Basic Collecting, Topicals ...
The above and 'commercial' type data are also covered by 'indexes'. (see above)
About Tripod's 'pop-up' ads... uhmmmm... don't 'close' that window; simply read it and 'shrink it' or 'click' in any 'white' space (anywhere there is no link on a regular page - not the ad) and the ad will go behind the browser and stay there (at least it does for us). If you shut it off it will start back up in a minute or two... ;)
The Frames Environment links to several sub-menus covering all major categories of this site including:
Note that controls provided in most data pages are oriented to a non-frames environment which is the recommended viewing arena. The frames version was originally developed as a tool to analyze this site and develope the Indexes and were found to be quite useful but it is recommended to bookmark or set the 'HomePage' as a favorite because content changes are noted there first.'Stamps Issuing Entities' 'Postal Authorities' 'Postal Agents' 'Dealers' 'Tools' 'Indexes' and more...
Further, you will see the terms '[Frames]' and 'No Frames' on many pages and these are useful if you are stuck in someone else's frames and want out. - Enjoy - aj.
A note on Alta Vista { } translations: those with a 'list box' are OLD and no longer work - we'll get to them .... The newer version is as pictured here - a fish ; sometimes/often is a blue 'box'.
Occasionally, when Alta Vista first loads, it will somehow go on to a blank page (i.e. it loses the page's URL). Simply use the 'BACK' function and try again (hint: copy the page URL in the location window first). Please let us know if it is not functioning well.
'Bookmarking' a site that is displayed in a frame-set can present a problem in Netscape. Typically, you would 'right click' and select 'Add Bookmark' but this will only record the URL of the page under the mouse's location. To set a 'bookmark' for a frame-set (at least in Netscape; assuming the 'Location Took Bar', found under the 'View' menu, is active) 'drag' the 'location' or 'Go to:' button over the 'Bookmark' button and place it wherever desired - Or - and this applies to AOL/IE users too - highlight then 'block & copy/cut' the URL displayed in the location window and create a 'favorite'.
Alternativly, the following method (see note below) provides a very nice way to work: place the mouse over a link and then use the 'right click' / 'Add Bookmark' routine.
- Note: When experimenting from a frame-set here, it is found to work from the lower pages but not the top menu area. Try testing it yourself. Technically speaking, the top menu area here is defined in the initial frame-set file (frames.htm) as the first element, in this case a 'FRAME ROW'. Whether it is position, order or direction .... Unknown; just experiment ;)
Preface - The joy of this work ...
Exhibits- Selected sites
Basic Collecting - Tips, techniques and links for thought.
ADD / Submit Data ... - Communicate, contribute, get listed ...
What's New? - chit chat ...
Specialized Collecting:Philatelic related subjects:
Postal History, classes and types of stamps and philatelics ... due for considerable editing.
Topical Collecting:Issue and item related
Sports, the Arts, historical events, transportation ...