4/00: Topicals On Stamps - a wonderful index of web links to over 100 topics (Sarah Perelli-Minetti, Bakersfield, CA)
4/00: Disnemation
Includes a 'complete' checklist of Disney stamps worldwide, a 'FAQ' and stories behind the stamps... - Bill Silvester
5/00: Great Britain: Line Engraved Victoria Made Easy by Wm F Blank (The Penny Black and Blue)
5/00: La collection d'oblitérations sur les timbres classiques de France (philatélie et marcophilie) - Guy Maggay ; A fasinating display of cancellations on early French stamps (available on CD)
5/00: Kingfishers on Stamps by Keith Grantham, "There are 86 species of kingfisher distributed throughout the world and many sub species..."
5/00: The Stamp Show 2000 22nd - 28th May
7/00: The APS Stamp Campus
7/00: The K's Philately Page - take a walk on the mild side.
7/00: >My World Stamp Expo 2000 report
7/00: World Stamp Expo 2000 - USPS sponsored - July 7 - 16, 2000 - Anaheim, CA
7/00: The ASDA Expo dealers list
8/00: In Appreciation for distributing my card at World Expo 2000:
- Gary Nelson's Freeway Supplies
- Greg Sutherland: Freeman's Postal History
- Larry Volvolski: Valley Stamp Co.
- Stephen Radin: Albany Stamp Co.
- Marshall Burde: Burde Enterprises
- Stampville.com - Leah Young, Sales Mgr. (their site has excellent resources)
8/00: Education International: Teachers Day Philatelic Links
4/00: Linn's Stamp News - Scott minimum goes to 20 cents!
7/00: re: Delphi article regarding the APS Stamp School
4/00: Quote of the Century: To know and not to do, is not yet to know!
8/00: Quote of 19th Centry from Appletons' Journal; vol 14, iss 339 - Sept 18, 1875] pp 379 - about half way down the middle column. - "A small but significant fact: M. Leon Say, The Minister of Finance, has suppressed the female figure representing the French Republic on the postage-stamps and coinage of France. The competition for the new designs of the postage - stamps closed yesterday. Among the drawings submitted were several very amusing caricatures. One joker sent in an admirably drawn (one) of Punch, and another a very elaborate drawing representing M. Thiers in the garb of a Roman emperor. This new issue of stamps will occassion fresh worries and expense to the devotees of that passion dignified by the name of philately and otherwise known as postage - stamp - collecting. Does any one know all the symptoms and varieties of this mania; how valuable a complete set of the stamps used in the government departments of the United States are; how there is a stamp used in the isle of Reunion whose value in Paris to a collector is one hundred francs (twenty dollars); how there is a regular exchange carried on once a week at the corner of Champs-Elysees and the Rue de Marigny, etc. etc.? And can any one suggest a remedy for this fever which is at once exhausting and expensive? We pause for a reply. "