7139 West Higgins; Chicago, Illinois 60656, USA
Phones: VOICE: (773) 775-2100 1-800-919-BIDS (2437) FAX: (773) 792-9116
$50.00- 150.00 $5.00 $1,500.00- 3,000.00
150.00- 300.00 10.00
3,000.00- 7,000.00 250.00
300.00- 700.00 25.00 7,000.00- 30,000.00 500.00
700.00- 1,500.00 50.00
30,000.00- 50,000.00 1,000.00
Bids of $50,000.00 and over: $2,500.00 or at auctioner's discretion
XF: extremely fine, best centering and condition VF: very
fine - well centered, superior condition
F: fine - perfs clear to touch based on issue AV: -average - perfs cut, heavy cancel etc.
NH ««: never hinged LH: lightly hinged HH: heavily hinged HR:
hinge remnant PH: photo
OG «: original gum - not expected on 19th cent. stamps unless mentioned, or ungummed issues
DG: disturbed gum NGAI: no gum as issued NG («): no gum ¤:
used *: cover ¨: block
E: essay P: proof S: specimen TC: trial color R: reprint
F: forgery SS: souvenir sheet
PB: plate block SHT: sheet BP: booklet pane BK: booklet FDC:
first day cover ALB: album
SUM: sum bid of previous lots PC: post(al) card PPC: picture post card PCE: stamp
on piece
ENG: engraving DOC: document LP: line pair SE: straight edge CC:
corner crease Flts: faults
CDS: circular date stamp MC: machine cancel HC: hand cancel BS: backstamp LIT:
MS: manuscript SL: straightline CXL: cancel CTO: cxl'd to order FL:
folded letter
SFL: stampless FL YD: year date EKU: earliest known use STK: stockbook Ty:
WMK: watermark(ed) UNWMK: unwatermarked CV: cat. value - a single number
Est: estimated net value - range of two numbers
APEX: Am. Phil. Expert. Serv. (APS + ASDA) PSE: Profess. Stamp Expertisers PF: Phil Found.
RPSL: Royal Phil Soc of London Sc: Scott Mi: Michel SG: Stanley Gibbons
Charles Cwiakala 1527 S. Fairview Ave, Park Ridge, IL 60068
Phone/Fax: 847-823-8747,
Email: CECwiakala@aol.com
Charles Cwiakala Accepts Day-of-Sale Bids
Frank Mandel P.O. Box 157, New York, NY 10014
212-675-0819, Fax:212-366-6462
Pamela Vogt 1231 Burlingame Ave, Burlingame, CA 94010
David Connolly P.O. Box 430039, Houston, Texas 77243
Phone/Fax: 713-465-4119
Charles Lee Grassman 532-C Kingston Drive, 2214; St. Louis, MO 63125
314-845-6140 (eve)
Jean Lancaster 20 Milner Road, Kingston/Thames KT1 2AU, England
(44) 181-547-1220,
Fax: (44) 181-547-3739
Jochen Heddergott Bauerstrasse 9, D-80796 Munchen 40, Germany
(49) 89-272-1683
Fax: (49) 89-272-1685
Sherry Straley 2214 Arden Way #199, Sacramento, CA 95825
Phone/Fax: 916-971-3939
Stanley Jameson P.O. Box264, St. Petersburg, FL 33731
Phone: 813-526-5203 (no fax)
Purser Associates, Inc. 37 Moody Lane, Danbury, CT 06811-3805
800-225-5129 or
203-748-2237, Fax: 203-792-4982.
Email: Bids@Pursers.com