's Encyclopedia of Stamps & Philatelic Links
Index: Country Research Data
(a 2nd 'Regional' page is here)
Regions | A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z | Atlas"There are two forms of science: physics and stamp collecting."
Sir Ernest Rutherford 1871 - 1937
(1908 Nobel Prize in chemistry)
(from Ross Taylor's Musings and ramblings)
- The Evolution of Mail and Postage Stamps
- Stamps FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) (cc) (x) ; sadly now '404' c.201101
- (One of the oldest documents on the subject on the internet & this seems to be the only known remaining copy online!)
- Wikipedia: The Postage Stamp
- "Stamp Collecting Begins Here", 'AskPhil'
- "..provided as a service to offer general answers to questions about stamp collecting... The Collectors Club of Chicago is the sponsor of this site..." (Not affilated to APS or any other group). When you can't find one, "Answers will be provided by the webmaster, assisted by the CCC membership and an occasional outside expert... Turnaround time is expected to be very rapid, at least for most questions submitted... In addition to questions submitted directly to AskPhil, we will be responding to questions sent to The Postal History Foundation of Tucson, Arizona, the Wineburgh Philatelic Research Library of Dallas, Texas, and The Smithsonian Libraries of Washington, DC. "
- LearnAboutStamps.org
- Sponsored by and "in cooperation with the American Stamp Dealer Association, the Philatelic Foundation, the United States Postal Service, and many individuals in the philatelic community..." it "was developed by the American Philatelic Society and the (U.S.) National Postal Museum as a resource for persons who want to know more about the hobby of stamp collecting. Links were selected in the hope that they could provide answers to specific questions that an entry-level collector may have about the stamp hobby."
- The American Philatelic Society's Hall of Fame - Biographies:
- Honoring "deceased philatelists who have made outstanding contributions to philately."
- Philatelists by country, Wikimedia.org
- Postal systems by country, Wikipedia
- Philatelic Digital Library Project
- (22 works c.2010) "...conceived to work closely to ... the Project Gutenberg to create, organize and preserve a philatelic literature collection."
- Issuu
..the leading digital publishing platform delivering exceptional reading experiences of magazines, catalogs, and newspapers. Millions of people have uploaded their best publications to create beautiful digital editions. When will we see yours? (literally 100's of philatelic & stamp collecting documents; magazines, auction catalogs etc. - aj c.2011)
- The World of Stamps - The Antonius Ra Collection
- "Over 150 countries for viewing and reference." (c.2009)
- "Over 225 countries for viewing and reference." (c.2011)
- Alt. URL
- old: http://solo18.abac.com/mward/collection/mapindex.html
- Poppe's Stamp Encyclopedia, Guido T. & Philippe Poppe, .ph
- Commercial website featuring a 'Stamp Encyclopedia', "It is our aim to show and document all stamps ever made. This Encyclopedia shows all stamps we have in stock and also the ones we had. " (had over 700,000 images c.200910, 800,000 c.201008 - ed.)
- Postal History.org - John R. Tollan
- PostalRates.info
- "... a global guide to postal information; features postage rates, post codes, stamps, philately and postal authorities around the world.
- The PostalRates.info is a part of a growing family of web sites in the 4040INFO Network, developed, owned and operated by 3DotsPlus."
- Stuart Rossiter Trust, UK (x)
- "Postal History publishing, and sale of books, sponsorship of authors and postal history research, through grants, guidance and support - are the main objectives of the Stuart Rossiter Trust. The trust is a Registered Charity Number 292076."
- Institute for Analytical Philately, Inc.
- PO Box 751833, Las Vegas, NV 89136-1833
- Tel: +1.877.213.2387, Fax: +1.888.400.5351
- info@AnalyticalPhilately.org
- "Solving Philately's Puzzles through Science™"
"With an effective date of 11 Dec 2009, the IRS has determined that IAP is exempt from Federal income tax under section 501(3)(3) of the (United States) Internal Revenue Code. ..."Because one of the most important aspects of research is the dissemination of results, all philatelists receiving grants from IAP are required to publish in widely circulated journals of record, both scientific and philatelic.
"As a virtual organization, our Web Site is dedicated to providing all philatelic students with announcements of new scientific research in philately and an archive of research in our Reference Library." (cites to 'journals of record'; see 'Projects' - aj c.201010)
- Stamp Domain - Jan Kosniowski (jpkos @ aol.com), .uk
- A good philatelic resource covering many nations and topics.
- Penny Black, Before The - E and R Shanahan
- Penny Black, Before the - Ken Lawrence
- http://www.fi.aau.dk/~tn/btpb.html '404'
- Penny Black Revisited, Before the - Ken Lawrence
- both now at Toke Norby's website (c.2009)
- The One Penny Postage Stamps of Great Britain 1848-1864, Tim Burgess
- aka: The Penny Red (& black)
- Most Affordable Classic Stamps - Michel Begin
- First Issues Collector Club
- President: Bob Sylvester (c.2009)
- 13 Idlewood Pl., River Ridge, LA, 70123-1525
- Is attempting to "create a catalog of stamp issuing entities, past and present, with detailed information on the very first issue or issues emitted by those entities." (and a good job of it! - ed.)
- Philatelic Geography (cc)
- a developing work.. but what a work! (c.2009)
- old: www.kalnieciai.lt/zenius/main.html '404' c.20090916.
- 19th Century Post
- ...a mourning cover & miscellany collection (Postal Cards & folded letters)
- Scout Local Posts, SOSSI
- & The Scout Stamp Collecting Merit Badge
- D.J. McAdam's Resources:
- Cite: Philatelic Terminology & Basic advice
- Map Resource Center - George Alevizos, .us-CA
- With philately in view!
- old: www.georgealevizos.com/default/maps.htm '404' c.2009
- Margie Pfund Memorial Post Mark Museum and Research Library
- Sponsored by the Post Mark Collectors Club and located near Bellevue, Ohio USA in the Historic Lyme Village, the "Museum's holdings make up the largest single collection in the world, grouping over a million different postal history items."
- Worldwide Links - Dave Joll, .nz
- Fabio Alarici's Stamp Resources
- Especially Philatelic Bureaus and stamp catalogues.
- PhilaGuide, by W. J. Bongers
- Lee's Illustrated Stamp Listopedia
- Reference guide for finding useful and interesting philatelic information on the web.
- Alexa: Stamps
- A modified version of the Open Directory Project: Stamps.
- Google Groups : rec.collecting.stamps.discuss
- Google Groups : rec.collecting.stamps.marketplace
- Google Groups : alt.collecting.stamps
- East Africa's Postal History - Menno-Jan Kraak, .nl
- (currently only data on Zanzibar c.2009)
- http://www.itc.nl/~kraak/stamps/zanzibar/znzhp.html '404' c.2009
- African-American Philatelic Experience - Sanford L. Byrd
- http://www.slsabyrd.com/ '404' c.2009 (passed away in 2002 but preserved above)
- Congo Flags on Stamps - Joan-Francés Blanc
BOOKS:- Paquebot Marks of Africa, the Mediterranean Countries and Their Islands - by Edwin Drechsel- PB, P Lowe 1981 ~ £7.50
Americas, The
- National Postal Museum, Washington, DC, USA
- Although resources 'focus on the postal history and philately of the United States, the collections are international in scope. Europe, North America and Australia are particularly well represented.'
Antarctica / South Atlantic
- Our Polar Philately page - .here
- Polar Post Svalbard - Mthias Bjerrang - Svalbard
- Cite: Topicals: Polar Regions
- Polar Philately Mailing List Website - M. de Jong, .nl
- Cite: Topicals: Polar Regions
- Philately from China and other Asian countries - Austrian Consult AG, Dr. Friedrich Zettl, .at
- Dr. Friedrich Zettl
- Holzmeistergasse 13/1/8
- A - 1210 Wien AUSTRIA
- Tel: + 43 1 922 33 35
- Fax: + 43 1 922 33 35
- e-mail office@collect.at
- http://www.profinet.at/austrianconsult/ '404' c.2009 (now just commercial but specialized in the Far East)
- See Also:
- DMOZ - Collecting..By_Region/Asia (In Japanense & English)
- Philweb.eu (by Philweb ; Italy)
(Scandinavia ; hosts societies etc), .uk-__- "European stamps and postal history discussion forums. (in English!)
- European stamps [EN] - Bart Van Acker, @ [PWO], .be
- Philately in the European Union - Sjoerd Jager, .nl
- Europa-CEPT - Zoran Ilic, .de
- Europa CEPT - Erwan Keraval, .fr
- Maurice E. Estoppey (Expertization: European classics) .ch
- National Postal Museum, USA
- Although resources 'focus on the postal history and philately of the United States, the collections are international in scope. Europe, North America and Australia are particularly well represented.'
- See Also: Europa
Northern Europe: Scandinavia ... - NordicBaltic Stamps - Jan Prygoda, .us
- Nordic Countries and Baltic States: Discussion and News List
- German and Scandinavian Stamp Site (Jurgen v. Schmeling Briefmarkenversand, .de
- Herber, Paul
- http://www.pherber.co.uk/index.html '404' c.2009; enquirey sent.
BOOKS:- Paquebot Marks of Norway, Denmark, Finland, Iceland and Sweden - by Edwin Drechsel- PB, P Lowe 1977 ~ £2.50
Central Europe - German and Scandinavian Stamp Site - Jurgen v. Schmeling Briefmarkenversand, .de
- Central/Eastern Europe and CIS Philatelic Resources - Tan Wee Cheng, .sg ; '404' c.2001?
- http://weecheng.simplenet.com/stamps/stamps.htm '404' c.2009
Eastern Europe - Postal History of the Baltic Area - Jan Kaptein, .nl
- old: http://marina.fortunecity.com/thunder/268/ (forwards c.2009)
- Philatelists Group: The Baltic Area - Jan Kaptein, .nl
- http://home.hccnet.nl/j.kaptein/hbg '404' (check above)
- Baltic Revenue Stamp Project - Steve Fernie
- http://www.steveiron.com/balticrevs/ '404'
- http://members.aol.com/balticrevs/ '404' c.2009
- Baltic States - Constantine K. Kliory, .lt
- Baltic States Philatelic Page - Steve Kowalski, .us
- Baltic States - Revenue Stamps - Bill McDonald (dealer)
- P.O. Box 1287. Coupeville, WA 98239-1287, mcdonald@whidbey.net
- http://www.whidbey.com/stamp/Baltic.htm '404' c.2009
- NordicBaltic Stamps - Jan Prygoda, .us
- Nordic Countries and Baltic States: Discussion and News List
- East Europe Philatelics - Peter van Esch (sic), .nl
- http://welcome.to/east_europe_philatelics '404' c.2009
- Eastern Europe Supplier - Karol Fercak, .sk
- karolfercak@ke.sknet.sk
- http://www.home.sk/firm/fercak '404' c.2009
- Central/Eastern Europe and CIS Philatelic Resources - Tan Wee Cheng, .sg ; '404' c.2001?
- http://weecheng.simplenet.com/stamps/stamps.htm '404'
- Estonian, Lativian or Lithuanian philatelic and postal history mailing list:
- baltic.philately@lists.ut.ee (c.2004)
- Bill Apsit's Latvian Philately (c.2005)
- See Also : USSR
SouthEastern Europe - Sarajevo Postcard - Tan Wee Cheng, .sg
- http://www.singnet.com.sg/~tanwc2/stamps/sarajevo.htm '404' c.2009
- Amel's Stamps (Bosnia, Croatia, Slovenia) ; 5/2002
- http://www.clik.to/stamps '404' c.2009
Western Europe Including: Channel Islands, British Isles ... - Peter's Stamps New Issues listings for GB, IOM, Guernsey, Jersey and Alderney
- peter@petersstamps.com
- Herm Island Offers Her Samps
Latin America (Middle/South)
- Latin American Philately - Joseph Hahn, .us
- Latin American Philately - Brian Moorhouse, .uk
- Directorio Latinoamerica Filatelica (Latin America Philatelic Directory)
Books:- Encyclopaedia of British Empire Postage Stamps, 1639-1952 Bermuda and British Honduras v.5 {PB} P Lowe 1973 ~ £5.25
See Also:- Latin American Philatelic Society
- P.O. Box 6420, Hinton, AB T7V 1X7, Canada
- Mesoamerican Archeology Study Unit
- Cite: Topicals : History
- Spanish Main, The (A Society for Latin America Collectors), uk-CA
The Middle East
- British Postal Agencies in Eastern Arabia - Wikepedia
- Including: Abu Dhabi, Bahrain, Dubai, Kuwait, Muscat and Qatar
- British Post Offices in the Turkish Empire (aka: British Levant) - Wikipedia
- British Occupation Issues : Middle East Forces (MEF) 1942-1947 - Wikipedia
- The Stamps of the Ottoman Empire; Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, Iraq - Zaher Kanafani, Lebanon
- Middle East Stamps - Andrew Gondocz's Oh My Gosh!, .ca
- Tughra Net - Chuck Maki, .us
- Ottoman Empire et al
- Arab Gulf Yemen Stamp Group - a Yahoo club
- Ottoman & Near East Philatelic Society
- 25 Black Latch Ln, Cherry Hill, NJ 08003
- Arab Gateway Collectors' Page
- 'arab area' societies
- Emirates Phialtelic Association (EPA)
- Palestine Philatelic Society
South Pacific and Polar Regions
- Stamps and Postal History of the German Marshall Islands - Dirk H.R. Spennemann (.au)
- cited in 'Authors' and 'Articles' & 'Marshall Islands' here
- New Zealand and Pacific Island Stamps - Paul Leighton, .nz
- Australia and the South Pacific Stamps -
- Charlestown Stamps
- Philately in Australasia - Alan Arnold
- http://apamac.ch.adfa.oz.au/apa/stamps '404' c.2009
- The Postal History of Adelie Land - M Bacher (FR)
- Cite: Topicals :Polar Regions
- South Seas Correspondence Club
- Cite: Topicals : Introductions ; ????
United Nations
- World Forum Philatelist Homepage - Greg Galletti, .us
- UN Specialist ; market statistics, online museum, auctions, retail, club ..
Universal Postal Union
- UPU Specimen Stamps - Robert Buxton
- UPU Catalogue - New Edtion - Peter van der Heijden, .nl
Table of Contents Entities Bibliography © AJ Ward Submit Data
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