'Postage Stamps' are those stamps which move the mails.
Types of stamps (common to all classes) :
- The Definitive
- The Commemorative
Here, I pause to ponder. I imagine that the definitive originated around the idea of issuing enough stamps to meet the expected needs of the post office to supply enough stamps to keep things moving. Eventually the idea to help celebrate - or promote - a special event (like the 1893 Columbian Exposition, Chicago, USA) brought the 'commemorative' type into existence.
Some classes (or functions) of postage stamps:
- Standard
- Airmail
- Official
- Parcel Post
- Special Delivery
- Certified or Registered
The list can go on but the idea, here, is primarily that of 'function' as most catalogs divide stamps this way.
Note: In the U.S. a relatively new class (Express Mail - a modern variation of 'Special Delivery') has not been noted in catalogs as a distinct class with its own coverage even though the US Postal Service issues stamps denominated for that purpose. (circa 2000)
Filahome's Encyclopedia: Semi-Postal or Charity stamps
Charity stamps are sold at a higher price than the face value. The difference is generally
paid to charity organisations such as: catastrophe funds, philatelic organisations,
children's welfare, Red Cross and war victims. Charity stamps are often referred to as
'semi-postals'. Some are denoted with overprints..
old: ('404' c.2011)
Mike Smith's Crusade Against Cancer First Day Cover Collection
Illustrating only the 1965 US Cancer Reasearch postage stamp...(not a semi-postal)
originally I had: to illustrate semi-postals (but: '404' c.2011)
title was: "The July 1998 Breast Cancer Research SemiPostal FDC Collection of Mike Smith" (of the American Cancer Society)
a double/hybrid: Postal/Revnue & Philatelic
Filahome's Stamp Collecting Encyclopaedia - Regionals
In general with regionals are meant British stamps issued for use in Guernsey, Jersey, Isle of Man, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
But there are more countries (Germany and Spain) which have issued regional stamps and therefore regionals are stamps issued for use in a specific part of a country.
Stamps issued for the use of members of official expeditions of exploration are called expedition stamps. - via a Antarctic Cover
Meter Stamp Society Guide to Collecting
Privetly issued, publically sanctioned
old: /
The Joint Stamp Issues Society
Joint stamp issues are stamps released by two or more postal administrations on the
occasion of a common event or anniversary and which are characterized either by a common
design or the same date of issue or both.
Including a YaHOo! E-Group:
Joint-Stamp-Issues-Society (activity c.200910)
Formerly: 'International Philatelic Association of Joint Stamp Issues Collectors'
(click for a fairly comprehesive list of Airmail stamp related clubs.)
CMCC - Winged Messenger: Airmail in the Heroic Era 1918 - 1939 [En, Fr]
(url updated 2011-07-22)
Introduction and contents:
"For Mankind, the act of flying through the air has never been an aimless exercise. The whole purpose has usually been to accomplish some other piece of related business, that is, war, the movement of goods and people, intelligence-gathering, exploration of unknown tracts of the globe and, why not ... the carrying of mail. Flying is not the end, but rather the means to achieving other goals that may not always be romantic or awe-inspiring.
This is not to deny that, in the execution of their task, the pilots were not an adventurous, almost heroic lot far from it. The whole history of airmail in Canada and throughout the world during the first few decades of this century derives from the work of a remarkable generation of pilots, or "winged messengers". They opened up the skies to the movement of mail.
They laid the groundwork for today's international airmail system.
Airmail and the Postal Village | Canadian Airmail: A Late Bloomer | Experiments | Building the System Region by Region | Bringing Home the Goods | The Bush Pilot | Credits
FIP Commission for Aerophilately c.2011
see also: FIP Commission for Astrophilately
FISA - International Federation of Aerophilatelic Societies (Alt URL) c.2011
Internationaler Aero-Philatelisten Club (IAPC; in German only)
The British Airmail Society (BAMS)
formerly: The British Aerophilatelic Federation (BAeF)
Airmail Society of New Zealand
American Air Mail Society (AAMS)
Samuel J. Pezzillo - Professor of Classics
The good professor offers the following links at the bottom of his home page:
Aerophilately and Postal History Interests:
--AAMS Awards
--AAMS Membership Application
--On-line version of the AAMS's Collecting Airmail
--Postal History Puzzler --- Solve the Puzzle
--Cinderellas, Labels, and other non-postal items
old: '404' ; see AAMS above..
American Air Mail Society - Exhibiting Awards
From Professor Pezzill
old: ; see AAMS above
Irish Air Mail Society
Justin Milliun's Airmail Stamp Museum - 'Symbols on Airmail Stamps'
Aerophilately of Mexico, Marino_Riosa '404' c.2010
Ken Sanford's Aerophil (c.2011_
Aerophilatelic & Commercial Aviation Literature & Crash Covers -
good airmail and zepplin links too. aj.
Zeppelin Study Group / Zeppelinpost-Arbeitsgemeinschaft - [English/German]
member: Bund Deutscher Philatelisten e.V.
Virtual Zeppelin Stamp Collection ; 1st page shut down but 2nd page is still there 8/11
Naval Airship Association Home Page - zeppelin's
not philatelic but...
The Zeppelin WebRing
Germany's Zepplin Museum ; not philatelic
Catapult Mail
".. dedicated to catapult mail sent from the two German ships; "S/S BREMEN" and "S/S EUROPA". So if you collect catapult mail, this is the site for you.
old url: '404'
The Hungarian Air Mail Web Site
A useful site for the Hungarian airmail specialist.
old: '404' c.2010
The Virtual Aircraft (& helicopter) Museum
Pan Am Archives at the University of Miami (c.2011)
Special Collections. University of Miami Libraries
1300 Memorial Drive, 8th floor | Coral Gables, FL 33146
Phone: (305) 284-3247 | Fax: (305) 284-4027
The Pan Am Organisation
Done "as a service to the community of retirees, employees and friends of
Pan American World Airways (1927-1991)."
(Including photos of Pan Am aircraft)
Amelia Earhart Web Site
(c.2011) {English/Spanish}
See Also:
Amelia Earhart (the 1963 USA issue and links to books)
David's Airline Link Page - Many airline links & aircraft photos
old: '404' c.2010
Brookman (catalogs), Barrett & Worthern : Clippers and Zepplins -
Even has a dedicated 'search engine' for them. aj. 8/00 (alt url :
Airmail Collector Postal Auction, Aerophilately, Airmail covers, stamps, literature and ephemera
See Also: Space, Science and Technology
And 'Aerograms' below.
Postal Stationery
Linn's Refresher : Don't ignore the stamps on postal stationery - By Michael Baadke
"We're used to our postage stamps having perforations or die-cut edges all around and an adhesive on the back. The stamps that are found on postal stationery don't fit this description, however. ...
What Do You Know About Postal Stationery? - by Professor Rodney L. Mott
Postal Stationery may be defined to include all the stationery issued by the postal authorities on which a design has been made showing its value for postage.
The most common forms are: stamped envelopes, stamped letter sheets (including aerogrammes), postal cards, letter cards, and newspaper wrappers.
Some countries use other kinds of stationery, such as postal savings forms, money order forms, or telegraph forms, and these are also Postal Stationery,
if they have value stamps printed on them.
There are many other forms used by post offices which do not have value designs printed on them.
These are, of course, collectible, although they are not, strictly speaking, Postal Stationery.
Among them are formula cards, penalty envelopes, and aerogramme forms to which adhesives must be affixed.
Likewise the great variety of pre-stamp letters, with their very interesting, and often historic,
postal markings, belong to the field of Postal History, rather than Postal Stationery.
Picture post cards, also, belong to another category if they do not have value stamps printed on them.
Philip C Stevens & Henry B Stevens :
Including articles, links, Price Lists By UPSS Numbers
"Stamp people have been our friends and customers for many years. Earlier, Henry was
the stamp man and Philip the watcher and helper. Now, Philip is the stamp man and Henry
watches. ..."
u275.html#u275 ('404' c.2011: US U275 - The U275 story by Henry Stevens
The U275 story was very well written up by Rob Haeseler in Linn's Stamp News July 20, 1998. For a photocopy image you can print and read...
see also their : online store
They also note several Collectors (c.2005):
Steven Whitcombe ( U.S. Postal Cards showing Railroad usages.
Dan Undersander ( U.S. Stationery collector
Dave Mortenson ( U.S. Stationery collector, cut squares and postal cards
Jim Parmiter ( 1863 Nesbitt "Black Jack" Issue Specialist
D. John Shultz ( U.S. Stationery 1930 to date, including Airmails and Officials
Dennis Schmidt ( U.S. Stationery collector specializing in U.S. Officials
Rocco Caponi ( U.S. Stationery collector specializing in U.S. 2c Circular die (U429-U435), its postal history. Also all revalued U.S. postal Cards.
Douglas and Nancy Clark ( U.S. Stationery: specializing in 1903 Hartford Issue and 1971 Revalued Issues.
'Postal Stationery: A Worthy Collectable'
by Gaston Barrette, SOSCU
403-2765 Chemin Sainte-Foy, Quebec GIV 4S4, Canada
Subtitle: Postal Stationery and The Stamps on Stamps Topic
The Postal Stationery Society of Australia
"Postal Stationery is stationery issued by the postal authorities which has an
impressed stamp indicating the prepayment of a postal service. Usually the imprinted
stamp will indicate the value of the postage paid although many modern issues just have
an indication that postage has been paid. The most familiar are stamped envelopes,
aerogrammes, stamped postcards, letter cards, and newspaper wrappers. ... "
BNAPS' Canadian Postal Stationery Study Group
Dieter Staecker, dstaecker<@>
384 Regal Drive, London ON N5Y 1J7, Canada
Phone: (519) 455-9715 (addr/ph,@: c.2008 BNAPS)
Belgian Postal Stationery Society
old: '404' c.2011
United Postal Stationery Society (UPSS)
APS-05, United States
The UPSS was "...formed July 1, 1945 from the merger of the Postal Card Society of America, in existence since 1891, and the International Postal Stationery Society, founded 1939. There were 164 members by the end of the inaugural year, and we now have about 1,000." (c.2011)
UPSS Central Office
P. O. Box 1116, Thousand Oaks, CA 91358, USA
Contacts c.2011:
President: Dan Undersander (djunders<@>
1st Vice-President: Wayne Menuz (upss-ed<@>
2nd Vice-President: Glen Spies (glsp<@>
Secretary/Treasurer: Porter Venn (portvenn<@>
Past President: Lewis Bussey (lebarch<@>
The Postal Stationery Society (PSS), United Kingdom
Publication: PS Journal (in full colour and is issued four times a year, in February, May, August and November.)
Secretary (General Queries):
Colin Baker: pss.secretary<@>
4 Greenhill Gardens, Sutton Veny
Warminster, Wilts BA12 7AY, United Kingdom
old: (forwards c.2011)
Swiss Postal Stationery Collectors Society
aka: Schweizerischer Ganzsachen-Sammler-Verein (SGSSV)
aka: Société Suisse des Collectionneurs d'entiers Postaux (SSCEP)
l'Association des Collectionneurs d'Entiers Postaux
Contacts (c.2011): Mr. Philippe Pignon (Pres.)
48 rue Jean Jaurès, 91700 STE GENEVIEVE DES BOIS, France
Membre du Conseil d'Administration:
Jean-Louis NARJOUX : narjoux.jean-louis<@>
Asociación de Coleccionistas de Enteros Postales de España en la Red (ACEPER)
T.E. Jones
36 Cobham Road
, Accrington
Lancashire BB5 2AD,
Author of The Aerogrammes of the Arabian Gulf - Postal Agencies Issues 1942 - 1966
and The Aerogrammes of the Arabian Gulf - Post Independence Issues.
The Post-Independence Issues catalogue is available from T.E. Jones for £5.50 plus postage.
The update is available for £1.50 plus postage. (from Ohmygosh :
In Praise of the Humble Aerogramme - by Mr. Tom A. Adami
"Call it what you will an air letter, an airletter sheet, a letter sheet, an aerogram
etc., there is a lot to be said in defence of the ubiquitous ‘aerogramme’ . Only a relatively
recent innovation in the world of postal services, the aerogramme has been taken up by
almost every country with a few notable exceptions. Countries such as Ukraine, Poland,
Romania, Bulgaria, Luxembourg, Croatia, Russia, and some others. ..."
old: '404' c.2011
Hello and welcome to the Aerogramme Society. The Aerogramme Society is the only truly
international philatelic society devoted to the study, research and collecting of
old: '404' c.2011
Contact the Society:
Appy to:
PO Box 215,
If you have a general enquiry then please write to:
The Aerogramme Home Page, aerogrammes<@> (c.2010)
formerly called: The Aerogramme Society Home Page
(circa 1997)
- several articles and resources
"This site derives from the original site for the currently inactive Aerogramme Society.
Thanks to those earlier members of the society who helped gather some of the information
appearing in these pages. Anyone with interest in aerogrammes of the world is invited to
contribute to this website." c.2010
Aerogramme Society,
PO Box 380,
Mitchell, ACT
2911, Australia
old: Aerogramme Society,
1754 Westwood Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90024, USA
ºAerogramme's Related Societies (c.1997; all web links are dead c.2011 - but there are many club names and possible postal addresses.):
(See Also: our section on Transportation : By Air)
ºAerophilatelic Society of Southern Africa,
c/o G. Cafetzonglou, Hon. Secretary, PO Box 844636, Greenside 2034, South Africa.
ºAir Mail Society of New Zealand,
PO Box 29144, Fendalton, Christchurch, New Zealand.
ºAmerican Air Mail Society,
P. O. Box 110, Mineola, NY 11501, USA.
ºAmerican Philatelic Society, P. O. Box 8000, State College, PA 16803, USA.
ºAssociazione Italiana di Aerofilatelia, Via Corno di Cavento, 16, 20148 Milano, Italy.
ºAustralian Air Mail Society, GPO Box 954, Adelaide, South Australia, 5001 Australia.
ºBritish Aerophilatelic Federation,
Martin Smith, "Catalina", Howell Hill Grove, East Ewell, Surrey KT17 3ER, UK.
ºCanadian Aerophilatelic Society, c/o Major R. K. Malott, 16 Harwick Crescent, Nepean, Ontario CANADA K2H 6R1.
ºEuropean Aero Philatelic Club of Stuttgart, Study Group for Aerogrammes, c/o Werner Wiegand, Burgstrasse 8/2, D-71272 Renningen, Germany.
ºIrish Airmail Society
ºJack Knight Air Mail Society, PO Box 1239, Elgin, IL 60120-1239, USA.
ºMetropolitan Air Post Society of New York, c/o William F. Turner, 404 Camp Westwood Road, Greene, RI 02727-1506, USA.
ºPostal Stationery Society, c/o David Taylor Smith, 23 Britannia Road, Norwich, Norfolk NR1 4HP, UK.
ºPostal Stationery Society of Australia.
ºUnione Filatelisti Interofili, S. Polo, 977, 30125 Venezia, Italy.
ºUnited Postal Stationery Society, 33277 Avenue F, Yucaipa, CA 92399, USA.
Lighthouse aerogrammes
Postal Cards
(vs. post cards)
Dealer: Henry Stevens (United States Postal Stationery) :
notes: "The U.S. Government did not invoke copyright protection for its postal cards
till May 12,1978.."
Henry's GE Cards, S64, UX47
A short story about the GE cards and how to tell type 1 from type 2 at a glance.
From : James Majka's Postal Stationery Home Page
Hi! Welcome to my Postal Stationery Web Site. I have been interested in philately and stamp collecting for most of my life.
About ten years ago, I thought I would try out Government Postal Cards as a new collecting specialty and have been hooked ever since!
Postal cards encompass a wide breadth of US postal history. Used cards are complete covers in miniature, each with their own stories' to tell. I think postal cards are much more popular with collectors than either the stamp dealers or the catalog editors give them credit for. ...
old: '404' c.2011
Postal Stationary of Belgium
- By Ludo Thomassetti ( ), collector.
Collect everything about the postal stationary of Belgium since 1871.
All kind of sorts, the postal rates, etc
old: '404' c.2011
(or Other Sub Species)
Collecting Canadian Plate Proof Stamps - Beyond 1 of Each - by Larry Christopher
... And so I was faced with a decision, what to collect next. I wanted to continue to study and enhance my Canada collection, so my choices appeared to be:
..plate blocks, covers... Mmm,
too much material available, no challenge.
- Collect Canadian plate proofs of the Pence and Decimal issues. Now
here was something that appealed.
...The proofs of these two issues are rare, much rarer than the stamps which are so dear. However, the limited demand has kept prices reasonable, unlike the stamps that imitate them. I had a few plate proofs but I did not really know what was cataloged. So I got out the old Unitrade catalog and listed the various proofs commonly available. ... about 80 varieties .. I next sat down at Word and created album pages. I will email this set free to anyone who asks but here are my conditions: ..."
He then goes on to deal with):
- Canadian Plate Proofs of the 1851 and 1859 Issues
- Part 1 - The Printers Finest Work - The Pence Issue Proofs
- Part 2 - The Decimal Issue Proofs
- Part 3 - The Trade Sample Sheets
- The American Bank Note Company (A.B.N.C);
noting especially, "In 1990 the world of proof collecting and understanding Canadian stamps was stood on its ear. This was the year that the United States Banknote Corp. (USBC) purchased the A.B.N.C., the printers of early Canadian stamps. An announcement was made that the archives of the ABNC would be sold at auction. This archive contained material which had never been seen by the public. Two auctions were held at Cristie's Auctions in New York. The first auction contained a number of proofs which had been used for display, and results were not encouraging. The second sale, on September 13, 1990 was a different story. Much of the material was claimed by Canada Post at the last minute and withdrawn and even then it is said that this sale brought more money to the USBC than they paid for the ABNC! This proof material shed a lot of light on the history of these early issues on our stamps. As well there is now more proof material available for collectors, although not all of it has come up for sale yet."
March 16. 1996
old: '404' c.2011
The Museum of United States Essays & Proofs
'404' c.2010
The Museum of United States Essays & Proofs is dedicated to the study and appreciation of the artistry
in early U.S. postage and revenue stamp design, as seen through the actual handiwork of the designers and engravers -- ... The Museum now has over 300 pages filled with high resolution scans of Essays (preliminary drafts and unadopted designs) and Proofs (carefully made printings of the adopted designs, akin to proof coins). ...
James E. Lee U.S. Stamps, Covers, Essays, Proofs, Postal History, Fancy Cancels
Henry Gitner Philatelists, Inc. - Artist Die Proofs
- Robert Buxton's SPECIMEN STAMPS
- listing UPU specimen stamps of the Commonwealth. (sell/trade)
Because, universally, those stamps that were overprinted or perforated 'Specimen'
were limited in number, they are much rarer that ordinary stamps. Hence their
fascination .. (his site has loads of good data too - aj.)
Stamps from the Vending Machine
The First Postal Vending Machine Stamps (ATM Stamps) In PR China '404' c.2011
(Mar 1998) Automatic Machine Labels of the Spanish Postal Service (used in Andorra) - by Phillipe Louviau
old: '404' c.2011
U.S. Plate Number Singles - 1895 on
; Sales - Ed's Stamp Page ( c.2011 w/many images)
aka (mirror site c.2011):
and who notes: "My Mother taught me about Genetics... 'You're just like your father!' "
American Plate Number Singles Society (APNSS)
Originally: normanj's Home Page APNSS STAMPS:
We are a group of collectors interested mainly in Used Plate Number Singles.
These are single stamps on which there is a "plate number" printed. For example..
We do not stop there. Many collect mint blocks, which are "intact blocks" (aka: 'Plate Blocks'; aj) of either
4, 6, or even 8 stamps showing a plate block number. What is a "plate block number"? -
the next time you get a sheet of stamps, look for the "tiny" numbers printed on the sheet (margin).
This is what we collect, stamps with numbers.
old: '404' c.2010
Plate Number Coil Collectors Club (PNC3) an APS affilate :
older: '404' c.2010 & (may be good?)
old Site included:
--PNC Master List by Catalog Number & Denomination - Two different printing options.
--PNC Listings and Checklist
Plate Number Coil Collectors Club (PNC3)
Plate Number Coil (PNC) Exchange List (c.2011)
- by Douglas Boynton Quine
old: '404' c.2010
NVI (stamps with no value indicated) Club (France) -
C/O: Alain Vailly
24 rue du Clos des Vignes,
44120 Vertou, France
From their 'Encyclopedia', "At the moment (c.2001), about 2000 stamps have been issued by about 100 countries. As far as possible, one can find here: - images of the stamps issued ; - information concerning their printing ; - information related to their use. "
old: '404' c.2011
U.S. Non-Denominated stamps (c.2011)
"The "G" stamp was the latest when this was first written in the series of non- denominated US alphabet stamps issued to aid the transition to new postal rates in this country - the USPS calls them "contingency stamps". None will win a design competition, but each has served its purpose well. We had A (1978) through H (1999). A through D were triumphs of ugliness, with nothing but the letter and an eagle, while E, a slight improvement, showed the Earth, F was a Flower, G was the flag(Old Glory), and H was Uncle Sam's Hat. Each paid the new first-class rate at the time it was issued (see table). The last three (F, G, H) were accompanied by Make-Up Rate stamps as well, to pay the difference between the old rate and the new. The "F" Make-Up Rate stamp was particularly atrocious, with its bizarre text-only design."
Some Non-Denominated values in the U.K.
LIVE EMAIL LINK : : Carole M. Madan,
Christmas Philatelic Club cpc#1533
Carole specializes in COMMEMORATIVE plate blocks. In addition, Carole also collects stamp paraphenalia such as postal point of sale information, stamp Christmas ornaments etc.
Error Stamps
Errors, Freaks & Oddities Collectors Club
Crazy errors in Philately - Emmanuel DELPERDANGE's Home Page
formerly: The Crazy World of Errors On Stamps
Fun stuff..
old: (forwards c.2008, 2011)
older: ('404' c.2008)
Stamps Gone Awry : a one page exhibit by Tom Fortunato
What are Error Stamps? from Steve Crippe ('404' c.2011)
from old site:
: Note the lack of perforations
His latest site does have a commercial section on
Error Stamps.
Stan Goldfarb - The World's Largest U.S. ERROR STAMPS ONLY Dealer
old: '404' c.2008
Jack Nalbandian Inc., East Greenwich RI - Stamps, U.S. Errors, Freaks, Oddities, Foreign, Wholesale
P.O. Box 71 East Greenwich, RI 02818
Toll Free: (877) 742-6168, Phone: (401) 885-5020, Fax: (401) 885-3040
AVBstamps (c.2011) - discount postage - U.S. varieties; errors - precancels
offers sections on:
Untagged Errors
History of Tagged Issues
Perforation Varieties
Victor Bove
P.O.Box 534New monmouthNJ 07748, USA.
1-732-495-9491 (U.S. or Canada), 001-732-495-9491 (overseas).
(The 'Back of the Book')
Revenues and Philatelics
I include Philatelics like First Day Covers and Maximum Cards (see 'Other") along with Revenues as a government doesn't sell them for postal uses.
Eric Jackson's Revenue Stamps For Collectors (also holds &
; both forward c.2011)
Taxes have always been with us; when the first postage stamps made their appearance in 1840, revenue stamps had already been in use for over 200 years. The early stamps were embossed or printed on the document being taxed but there is a known use of a tax stamp, as an adhesive, used in Furstenberg, Germany, dated March 20, 1725. (Opening paragraph from Eric's page offering an application for join the
American Revenue Assoc., which goes on, "Founded in 1947, the ARA is a non-profit corporation serving the needs and interests of ALL collectors of revenues, tax stamps, stamped paper, telegraph and railroad stamps, and general non-postal Back-of-the-Book mate rial---U.S. and foreign, federal, state, provincial, local, municipal and private. The ARA is by far the largest, oldest and fastest-growing national or international society fulfilling this goal. ...and... Beyond revenue stamps as such, lies the rich and endless field of other non-postal Cinderellas --- stamps, stamped paper, seals, labels, things and devices issued publicly and privately, officially and unofficially, to serve a bewildering variety of purposes. ...
Eric Jackson
P.O. Box 728, Leesport, PA 19533
Phone: (610) 926-6200, Fax: (610) 926-0120,
U.S. product tax stamps 1862-1965; an exhibit: ©1996 Bruce Baryla
...I have managed to show examples of all six Proprietary revenue series in actual use. But that's just a cover for my enjoyment of the fascinating range of interesting packaging and the long-forgotten brands and products that used to be found on store shelves, stamp-taxed by Uncle Sam.
©1996 Bruce Baryla :
Extreme Philately - Baryla's - Civil War (US) photographer tax stamps... ; a CD-ROM offer
Revenue stamps were required on photographs sold in the U.S. from 1864 to 1866, part of a taxation system to pay for the war against the Confederacy.
This is the most comprehensive interactive catalogue of the markings used by photographers to cancel these stamps, with over 500 color photographs and illustrations.
Also included on the CD-ROM is "The Civil War Sun Picture Tax", the story of the Civil War stamp tax on photographs, told through the finest philatelic research collection on the subject.
Illegal Drug U.S.Tax (Revenue) Stamps for sale
see our Special Exhibit of these..
Stamps Products & Services Page © 1996 Bill McDonald's Revenue Stamps
'404' c.2011
State Revenue Society Homepage
Vera Trinder Ltd. - Book List on Fakes, Forgeries, Fiscal and Revenue Stamps
old: '404' c.2011
National Duck Stamp Collectors Society
old: (forwards c.2011)
National Wildlife Galleries (also holds: ; forwards c.2011)
Sales: Federal, State, International, and Junior duck stamps; & quail, pheasant & turkey stamps. (& on eBay)
The Federal Duck Stamp Story (their version)
"...The Federal Duck Stamp Program is one of the most successful conservation programs ever initiated. Over 98 cents out of every Duck Stamp dollar goes directly into a fund used solely to acquire wetlands for North American waterfowl. ..."
Michael Jaffe, Duck Stamp Specialist and Brookman Stamp Co.
Associazione Italiana di Filatelia Fiscalisti (AFISCAL)
(The Assoc. of Italian Revenue Philately)
& Cristiano Bussoli's
Italian Revenue pages
Filahome Stamp Collecting Encyclopaedia - Fiscal stamps (Revenues : tax stamps; not postage)
![Make payments with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure!]( PayPal is a free online payment method
How To Sell On Ebay and Other On-Line Auctions
Journey into the world of online auctions and explore the most detailed Internet marketing book to date! by Annette E Graf
![]( The (Stamp) Buyers Guide By Stephen R. Datz et al
Stephen R. Datz is America's most prolific stamp book author, with eight other philatelic books and more than a hundred articles in such stamp periodicals as Scott's Monthly Journal and The Stamp Wholesaler. He is the former editor of StampMarket Update. - Using more than 100,000 computerized individual stamp auction lots as a starting point, this incredible resource assesses all U.S. issues on a stamp-by-stamp basis, providing a powerful tool for buying the right stamp at the right price. ... This book puts the consumer at the same level as the dealer. A panel of experienced and respected stamp dealers and experts generously share their knowledge on all aspects of stamps ... paperback - June 2000 - buyer Review: from Harrisburg, PA USA, "its as easy as this you want it, this book has it. well what eles is there to say?"
The Transports by G.H. Davis
Editorial Review
The publisher, David Lee, BIA Exec. Sec. , September 3, 1999 : A thorough study of the U.S. airmail stamp issue of 1941-44, Sc. #C25-31, discussing historical context, stamp design and development, plate and die details, quantities issued, first day of issue information, data on stamp usage, routes and rates. Well illustrated with over 200 cover and stamp photos. (Mass Market Paperback - 231 pages - August 20, 1999)
![]( Sanabria North American Airmail Catalog
by Stephen R. Datz, Richard, Sine - Paperback - 120 pages (October 1, 1996)
U.S. Airmail Stamps
Hardcover Miniature edition (October 1996) $3 to $4 (on sale Aug. 2000)
The 1999 Comprehensive Catalogue of United States Stamp Booklets : Postage and Airmail
by Robert Furman; Paperback (January 1999)
![]( How to Detect Damaged, Altered and Repaired Stamps
by Paul W. Schmid - Paperback - 105 pages (September 1996)
1994/95 Errors
![]( The Duck Stamp Story - : Art, Conservation, History
: Detailed Information on the Value and Rarity of Every Federal Duck Stamp by Eric Jay Dolin, Bob Dumaine (Paperback - March 2000)
The Duck Stamp Story
by Eric Jay Dolin, Bob Dumaine. Hardcover (April 2000)
The Canadian revenue stamp catalogue (1994) by E. S. J. Van Dam
Complete reference & pricing on Canadian revenues, ducks, etc 100 page full colour catalogue listing and pricing all known Canada & Provinces revenues, Telephone & Telegraph Franks, Duck, Hunting & Wildlife conservation stamps. This is the most complete and up to date catalogue used by all Canadian revenue collectors, stamp dealers and auctioneers.
![]( The International Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Philatelics
(Serial) by R. Scott Carlton (Hardcover - June 1997)
All About Stamps : An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Philatelic Terms
by Wayne L. Youngblood. Paperback (September 2000)
![]( The Mystery Box
Twenty tales of suspense, adventure, and history. by Frederick Highland - Hardcover - 240 pages 1st Edition - May 1998
Review: The American Philatelist
"This collection of short fiction by APS member Frederick Highland is just the ticket for an afternoon read. The author purchased a sandalwood box of stamps from a pawnshop in Macao "when American guns were first being heard in Viet Nam," and over the ensuing years he has woven one tale after another using these stamps as his inspiration. .. following every 3-4 page tale, a description and history are given for each of the stamps used as illustration.
There is a real element of historical fiction in several of the tales; after all, each is based on one or more stamps that were actually issued. ... Even Nick and Nora Charles show up. And you will not want to miss the last enigma, "The Philatelic Hall of Shame". ...
From the St. Louis Post-Dispatch: "... blows "Silas Marner" out of the water."
From Scott's Stamp Monthly: "this book takes a fresh approach to mixing stamps, history and lore...
Midwest Book Review (Shelly Glodowski), May 98: "Written all in good fun .."
The publisher, Ana Maria Gallo, , July 14, 1998, "Who ever knocks stamp collecting is a chump!"
The Wild Side : Philatelic Mischief, Murder & Intrigue
by Stephen R. Datz. Paperback (October 1990) usually about $10
Titanic: A Postal Collection
from IGPA
Airmail Stationery Used by and for POWs and Internees by Gustav Pohlig, Neil M Russell
Special Order : (2000) Paperback
Jusqu'a Airmail Markings by Ian McQueen
Special Order; Spiral-bound
Aerogrammes, Airmail Letter Cards, Air Letters - Paul R Adby
Special Order; 4-6 wks : Spiral-bound (October 1997) from QB Software
British Commonwealth Revenues - J. Barefoot
Published 2000 - 240 pages - J. Barefoot Ltd Paperback - Special Order
Baltic States Revenues
by J. Barefoot - Special Order 4-6 wks: Published 1998 J. Barefoot Ltd - Paperback
Recommended. aj.