- Stamps for Sale
- Stars Trading Co., Ltd.
Unit 110-2700 Olafssen Avenue
Richmond, B.C.
V6X 2R3 Canada
Why 'The dealer's art"? - here - if it is still here - a listing of Hong Kong stamps with both prices he will buy them for and prices he will sell them for....
The Euro, and Our Business 1/1/99 - D. Brand Stamps
- The Stamp Wholesaler - Krause Publications (About/subscribe)
- "For over 60 years, The Stamp Wholesaler has provided news, features, and business tips geared exclusively to the professional in the collectible stamp business. Read profiles of fellow dealers and keep currentwith important happenings like tax laws and the Internet. Plus, plan your auction and show attendance through a comprehensive, nationwide listing. In addition to the regular monthly issues, The Stamp Wholesaler publishes a biannual Buyer's Guide." (Now combined with their 'Stamp Collectr' magazine)
- Currency Update Service Subscription Form - a once-a-day email
Successful Stamp Dealing : Tried & Tested Tips & Techniques
by Peter Mosiondz Jr.- Midwest Book Review
An interest in stamp collecting can lead to a successful business, and this is the title to turn to when a hobbyist wants to make money. From plans to implement a stamp dealership to insuring stock and dealing with wholesalers, use Mosiondz's advice to start a new venture. (from Amazon.com)
- The International Philatelic Press Club - publishers of the Report to Members
The International Philatelic Press Club is an association of professional philatelic journalists united to maintain the highest standards of writing about stamps and stamp collecting. It cooperates with postal administrations around the world to bring readers the best possible news coverage.
The present officers of the IPPC are:
Executive Chairman -
David A. Kent
P. O. Box 127
New Britain, CT 06050, USA
President -
Dane Clussen
P. O. Box 41173
Kansas City, MO 64141, USA
V. President -
N. Shestople
411th Bse Spt Btn, CMR 419
Box 63
APO, AE 09102, USA
Secretary -
Dennis M. Dengel
17 Peckham Road
Poughkeepsie, NY 12603-2018, USA
Treasurer -
Jeanne B. Pogue
P. O. Box 114
Richmond Hill, NY 11419, USA
The IPPC publishes an occasional newsletter called "Report to Members" that is edited by Linda Stanfield. Write to the Secretary for more information.
- The Philatelic Writers Society
- The Honorable Editor is:
Tom Wilson
162 Canterbury Rd.
Kennington Ashford
Kent TN24 9QD England
President - Major R. N. Spafford
Chairman -
Allan P. Berry
24 Irwin Road, Guildford
Surrey, GU2 5PP, United Kingdom
Vice-Chairman -
L. Norman Williams
Membership Secretary -
Mrs. Elizabeth Berry
24 Irwin Rd., Guildford
Surrey GU2 5PP, UK
General Secretary -
David Beech
Hon. Public Relations / Publicity Officer -
Alex Newall
338 City Road
London EC1V 2PX, UK
Treasurer -
W. Alec Page
138 Chastilian Road
Dartford, Kent DA1 3LG, UK
Sharing and Caring
--- A Series of original and true writings
- by Laura Pillers (LAMP©) of L & E Stamps- (Other interests in life... - aj)
Dad Meets Me - A Father's Day Story
Little Did They Realize - An Easter Story
A Winter Rainbow
Winter's Stained Glass Windows
Stamp Collecting Is A Lot Of Fun!
We Take A Winter Spin
Comfort And A Teddy Bear
A Visit To Pasagshak - Kodiak, Alaska
A Lesson From The Moon
Rags Or Riches, What's The Difference?
...$3.00 (US) for postage and handling to L & E Stamps, Box 67-W, Palouse, WA 99161. While supplies last...
- Business @ the Speed of Thought: Succeeding in the Digital Economy
- - by Bill Gates (a vision grounded on experience - aj)
Global Source Book for Address Data Management
- by Graham Rhind (see: 'Books and documents')- The country chapters contain (to a greater or lesser extent) information about:
postcode formats
address formats/examples
language issues
diacritical marks
street and building types
postbox indicators
casing rules
Mail Return Codes
town names in local and international languages
and much more!- "This guide contains over 1000 pages of data pertaining to 240 countries. This guide in intended to help you to populate and utilize your international database in the most effective and accurate way; to ensure that you can put your data to its best use and to maintain your advantage, without causing any unnecessary irritation to those people within your database. It not only allows you not to irritate you customers, it can also help you to impress them with your knowledge and concern for accuracy and localized marketing norms. This is the most complete reference work of its type available. We have spent 8 years (and counting) in research to bring you this data, so that you do not need to spend years doing the same. " (c.2002)
Adventures Of The Philatelic Phlasher - #4 (now '404' 1999)- ...There are, of course, better ways to divide a stamp property, as shown when a son and his uncle inherited a U.S. collection. The son brought us an album bulging with a complete run of mint nh from 1940 to date. When we inquired as to whether there was an earlier counterpart to the collection, he explained that each of them had taken one of the two albums. He then proudly stated that he had gotten the better of the deal because the one he took was not only all mint and complete, but also had a lot more stamps in it. He then went on to say that his uncle had been stupid enough to happily settle for the other album which had far fewer stamps in it that were also much older and some were used!
Adventures Of The Philatelic Phlasher - #5
(note: the principal of this company passed away recently and the url was last know inactive - aj)- One day at a stamp show, a collector with a long face approached our table. He showed us a mint $2.60 Graf Zeppelin stamp (C15) which had accidentally been torn in half.... (the story goes on to tell how the thinking dealer ended up selling the two halfs as 'space fillers' and getting more money than if he had sold the original as one stamp!)
- More Dealer info
See Also: My 'impartial' list...- Drawn largely from Postal Authority Agents Listings - aj
- And my 'World Dealers Index'
APS Dealers page (Modern)
- Dealers I know.
Bill's Fun and Hobby Site- I've bought from him.. aj (see my personal page on stamps .../stamps/index.htm)
Jim's Stamps- Another man I've dealt with and am satisfied by. - aj (again - see my personal page)
Sales and Advertising
- Advertise
- Do you have something to sell?
Wanna deal?
Rates are reasonable.... especially if you have genuine philatelic content to contribute to this work - aj.
Suggestions- Do you have something to say?
A URL to suggest?
Want to report a bad link? ...
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