& Codes
Combos like 'BrEAf'
= Br, E, Af
adm = administrative dist
Af = Africa(kan)
aut = autonomous region
Br = British
CIS = Commonwealth of Independent States (FSU)
cntry = country
Col = Colony
cty = city
Dem = Democratic
dist = district
E = East
EFO = Errors, Freaks and Oddities
Eq = Equatorial
Fr = French
FSU = former Soviet Union (USSR)
GB = Great Britain; England
Gr = German(y)
Isl = Island(s)
occ = occupation
pos = position
Poss = Possesion
prot = protectorate
ovpt, over'p = over print
PO = Post Office
PR = Peoples' Rep.
reg = region
Rep = Republic
sic = 'as stated'
Soc = society
St / sta = state
std = standard
ter = territory
UAE = Un Arab Emirates
UAR = Un Arab Rep
UK - Un Kingdom
Un = United
UN = 'Un' Nations
USSR = Union of Soviet Sociatist Republics
var = variety
ver = version
WW# = World War # (1,2 or I, II)
yrs = years
# = 'Number'; e.g. 1, 2 ...
country ref codes; .es, .ru ...