's Encyclopedia of Stamps and Philatelic Links
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The Postage Stamps And Cancellations Of Prince Edward Island 1814-1873 ![]()
A Few Tips
Canadian Stamp Study Tips - by D. Robin Harris, Adminware "Many collectors are obsessed with only collecting mint, never hinged stamps purchased either directly from the post office or from their favourite stamp dealer. That is certainly fine. However, there is an entire world of used material out there that is just waiting to offer hours of enjoyment through study.
I define philately as the study of stamps. I am always amazed at the depth (or lack thereof) with which some philatelists (and I use the term loosely) study their stamps. I love the hunt for a new variety on a modern Canadian stamp [-] a perforation change, constant plate variety, printing change, tagging error, etc. Through these articles I hope you sense some of the thrill I enjoy while hunting for varieties through mixtures of used stamps."
With anecdotes he concludes:
Study Tip #1: A change in printer usually results in a distinguishable variety (thus, cataloguable, therefore, definitely collectable).
Study Tip #2: when looking for new varieties, always check the perforations first.
Study Tip #3: Don't expect Canada Post to announce every new variety - study stamps on a regular basis.
Study Tip #4: Finding a collectable new variety requires detailed study. While looking at a large number of used 43c QEIIs, it became apparent to me that two parts of the design had two distinct colours: the Queen's hair was either brown or black, and the medallion on her dress had either a purple ribbon or a blue ribbon! Thus, a new collectable variety was found.
E-mail: Rob or visit his site via the links above...![]()
Due to the elusive nature of this variety, thousands of stamps are required to find just one example! Every Canadian collector has many used copies of the 8c Centennial stamp lying around. In fact, I would venture to guess that most collectors have thrown away more copies than they have kept!
By the way, the Extra Spire was first reported in the Jan-Feb 1989 issue of BNA Topics, the journal of the British North America Philatelic Society. This is some 17 years after the stamp was issued! One other note, the Extra Spire has never been listed in either of Canada's two "specialized catalogues".
Once again, never throw away perfectly sound used stamps - you never know when you may need them to search for a new-found variety.
rharris@adminware.caCentennial Definitives checklist from BRC new url a/o 4/2001 old url http://web.radiant.net/brc/chklist/cn.htm
Frank Daems' Canadian Catalogue of Stamp Combinations (set-tennents)
Mike Milos's Stamp du Jour
Currently featuring the June 1976 Centennary of the Royal Military College issue; Scott #692-3's varieties:
"U.F.O." Variety Pos.46, "Hole in Cornice" Pos.13, "John" variety Pos.42, "Apostrophe in 1876" Pos.37, "Lightning rod or flagstaff" Pos.35.
And noting, "One constant variety which neither catalogue lists is what I call the "Crumbling facade" variety and occurs at Pos.40..." [illustrated above] - "It consists of a grouping of red dots and sqiggles and is not as noticeable as some of the other varieties.
Mike Milos writes and edits a series of 'Canadian Stamp Handbooks' available via Unitrade and is located at:
2231 Ott Road,
Stevensville, Ontario,
Canada LOS 1S0
Emailto: mmilos@vaxxine.com
Catalogs, Albums and Literature
Download Canada Album PagesIncluding: British Col. & Vancouver, New Brunswick
Free Album Pages? This site is sort of like "shareware" software: - All the countries you can eat!
Canada (& BNA) catalogs ('404' 9/2001; see below) - APS's WPID data is in ASCII comma delimited formatIncludes: Canada, BNA (NB, NS, PEI, BC & VI) and a Varieties catalog of BNA
...The data can be imported into a database program such as Access, Approach, dBase, Foxpro, Paradox etc.,... Also the data has not been updated in a number of years ('92)..others are needed to continue this task.
ftp sites for the WPID data:
ftp://ftp.funet.fi/pub/doc/mail/stamps/wpid (in .gz; not .zip format)
e-mail: lmevans@rain.org
BRC Canadian Definitive Stamps Lists - - a valuable site! - ajWelcome to BRC Canadian Definitive Stamps. Our web site specializes in the definitive stamps of Canada and our goal is to provide the most extensive and detailed listings on the Internet ... BRC does not sell stamps. If you are interested in purchasing definitive stamps, please see our links for various dealers around the world.
- Checklists - Detailed checklists of definitive sets
- Unfolded booklets - Limited edition commemorative panes
- Printer, Paper and Tagging Information
- Presenting Cards 1991-1993; Presenting/En primeur cards
- Prepaid Postal Cards - PCF's Post Card Factory
- Press Releases News, information and stories
- Announcements, links ...
Information by Brian Cannon (his brother helped with design)
General BRC email: brc@radiant.net
old url: http://web.radiant.net/brc/main.htm
SCV - Canada definitives 1967-95 Identifier / listlisted by denomination! - usefull - aj.
The Unitrade Postage Stamp Identifier
The Unitrade Stamp Collector's Handbook: Beginner's GuideUnitrade's Canada Simplified:
Featuring The Established Scott Numbering System
From Canada.ca - my sponsor - aj.
Unitrade's Specialized Catalogue of Canadian StampsIncludes: British Columbia and Vancouver Island, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island
- Featuring the established Scott Numbering system
Canada Stamp New Issues.
Canadian Stamp News (magazine offer)by Trajan Publishing Corporation
and several more...
Doug Robinson
Tel: 416 242 5900
Fax: 416 242 6115
E-mail unitrade@unitradeassoc.com
Books for collectors - Philatelic selectionsby Trajan Publishing Corporation
Ad - Stampville - CD-ROM of Canada's Stamps and Postal HistoryFrom the scribes of antiquity to the era of modern postal communications, Stampville guides users through time and space...
Stamp collectors and philatelists will find the COMPLETE catalogue of Canadian stamps as well as... CAD$35,95. (2000)
(plus applicable taxes).
Get your order form:
By mail:
Canadian Museum of Civilization
P.O. Box 3100, Station
Hull, Quebec J8X 4H2
By phone: 1-800 555-5621
By fax: (819) 776-8300
By e-mail: chantal.beauchamp@civilization.ca
Stampville is also available at the Canadian Museum of Civilization's Boutique.
Welcome, Newfoundland Stamp CataloguePrice: "$50" (Cad or US? - - not specified without too much research)
1.Postage Stamps
2.Airmail Stamps
3.Inland Revenue Stamps
4.Tobacco Tax Stamps
5.Advertising Covers & Corner Cards
6.Picture Post Cards
7.Newfoundland Town Post Office Cancellations
Order Online, by mail, fax or phone
Walsh's Philatelic Service
9 Guy Street
St. John's, Newfoundland
Canada A1B 1P4
Fax/Voice (709) 722-3476
email: nsscat@nf.sympatico.ca
Canadian Stamp Handbooks Reviews from Mike Milos' Canadian Stamps, Coins , Jewelery and Crafts Pages"..devoted to my interests in Canadian philately (Canadian Stamp Handbooks), jewelery making, painting and crafts...
Canadian Stamp Handbooks are a series of stamp handbooks, including pricing, for the specialist Canadian stamp collector...
Provides Reviews and says sales are at:
Unitrade Associates
99 Floral Parkway
Toronto, Ontario
M6L 2C4 Canada
Website: http://www.unitradeassoc.com
Email: unitrade@unitradeassoc.com
Tel: 416 242 5900
Fax: 416 242 6115
Postal Authority
Worldwide Stamp New Issues.
Canadian Stamp Issues / Les émissions de timbres canadiens 1993-1998 ('98 w/images) from link to postal authoritycurrently don't find 1998 listed any longer but 1999 is now linked. aj.
Canada 1998 issues - from Complex97
CMC - Canadian Postal MuseumFounded in 1971 and opened in 1974, the National Postal Museum joined the Canadian Museum of Civilization in 1988. In 1996, the name changed to Canadian Postal Museum (CPM). The Canadian Postal Museum operates a complete museum programme and acts as a repository to hold objects in trust for the Canadian public. Its mission is to preserve and interpret the material heritage of postal communication within the context of global and societal communications, especially, but not exclusively, in Canada.
For further information call: (819) 776-8200; fax: (819) 776-7062
CMC - Canadian Postal Museum ; different url [En, Fr]Contact: denise.corbett@civilization.ca . ..Going Postal
Universal Postal Union Addresses for International customer relationsMinistère des postes et Société canadienne des postes
M. J.G. Halpin
Directeur des Relations commerciales internationales
2701, Prom. Riverside - Bureau N0162
Téléphone (+1 613) 734-9787
Téléfax (+1 613) 734-9793
Canada Post / Postes Canada - postal authority - French, English - codes, rates, stamps
Canada Post / Postes Canada - different url
Canada Post - Postal Code Lookup
Westminster - Canadian Postal Lookup
Westminster - Anatomy of Canadian Postal Codes
Postage rates
Welcome to Canadian Union of Postal Workers - Sudbury Local 612They're on 2 webrings (1 postal related)
Introduction | Specialized Areas | Tips | Catalogues etc. | Clubs | Postal Authority Directory | Stamp Dealers | More Dealers | Explore .ca![]()
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© Arthur J. Ward