Encyclopedia of Stamps and Philatelic Links
A Modern Background to the European Union
Europa. Great Discoveries. 1994.
Stamps often reflect political dreams and realities. European
issues denoted with the 'EUROPA' inscription show, at
first, an emerging and, now, the reality of Nepoleon's dream of
a 'United States of Europe', of the Russian Czar's
inspiration of the institution of 'The Hague' and later 19th Century
political visions which have simmered since the days of
Pax Romana - 'The Peace of Rome'.
More recently, the U.S. Secretary of State Marshall in a talk at Harvard
University on June 5, 1947 outlined a plan to aide in Europe's recovery from the near total
devastation of World War II. Of what was initially called 'The Marshall
Plan' and later - more officially - 'The European Recovery Plan' (or
'E.R.P.'), he said, "our policy is not directed against any country or
doctrine but against hunger, poverty, desperation and chaos."
In January 1948 Marshall personally shepherded the measure through Congress
and, immediately, Great Britain and France invited all European natiions,
including the Soviets - who refused, to meet to discuss the proposal at the
'Paris Conference' which lasted until September '48.
Joining in the conference
at some point throughout the period were:
Ireland (Eire),
The Nederlands,
and Turkey.
Notably absent was Spain.
Understandably absent: Germany (East and West),
Russia and her Soviet satellite states:
and Czechoslovakia.
Though the United States Congress was
slow to appropriate funds for the E.R.P. she acted quickly
when Russia moved to take over Czechoslovakia.
"Later discussions of some sort of United States of Europe and an
Atlantic union for mutual defense appear to have sprung from the Paris
discussions." 1
First Europa stamp. 1956.
The idea of a "join stamp iussue" was advanced in August of
1949 by the council and on September 15, 1956 the six nations
which were to sign the Treaty of Rome simultaneously issued
the first 13 EUROPA stamps. 3
"The most important step towards ecomonic co-operation and
intergration was taken with the Treaty of Rome of March 26, 1957.
The signers were the same
six countries that had formed The European Coal and Steel
Community (c. 1850 - the dawn of philately - aj.):
Holland, and
They agreed on the establishment of a Common Market."
(or 'European Economic Community' - 'EEC').
It aimed to end trade barries between themselves and create
other advantages during a fifteen year developement
period during which (1959) the 'Conference Europeane des
Administrations des Postes des Telecommunications' (CEPT)
was established and has guided the issuance of stamps on the
Europa theme every year.
Headquartered in Brussels the ECC began action on January 1,
1957 by lowering tarrifs between all members by 10 percent.
In 1968 all Customs duties were dropped and a common tarrif
was established for all non-members.
Denmark (by referendum), Britain (after years of indecision - and French
resistence) and Ireland (Eire) joined in 1973 . Direct elections were
instituted in 1978. Greece was admitted in 1983 and 1986 saw Portugal and
Spain in the family. The year 1999 brought a 'common currency' - the 'Euro'.
- And there is still hope for those countries now free from The Soviet Union.
Revised 1/2003 aj.
(1) James Truslow Adams, The March of Democracy, Vol. 6, pgs 293-296,
©'s 1943-1950 Charles Scribner's Sons
(2) The End of the European Era - 1890 to the Present, Felix Gilbert, 3rd Ed.
©'s 1970-84 W.W. Norton & Co., NY & London; pg 456
by Erwan Kerval, @,
23 rue de la Poste, F-38400 St Martin d'Hères, France
A 'best view' site in our opinion.
And from whose images I 'draw'.
Additional Recommended Reading:
Contemporary Europe - A History - 8th Edition, Wilkinson and Hughes; ©'s 1961-1995 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
The Story of Civilization - Will Durant - Simon & Schuster
-Vol. III Ceasar and Christ - ~c.1949
-Vol. IV The Age of Faith - © 1950
EUROPA CEPT Stamps [EN, FR] (incl. non official issues)
- Offers a free
forum to Buy/Sell/Exchange Europa stamps!
- "The aim of this page is to have the list of all people in the world collecting Europa !"
- And features a news report titled,
Domfil and PostEurop sign joint agreement.
Domfil is a major thematic catalog producer.
Europa Study Unit
Hank Klos, @,
P.O. Box 611, Bensenville, IL 60106-0611
Periodical : Europa News (Bimonthly)
'Official' Resource:
- Features news and a search engine for Europa stamps info.
Additional Resources:
Entities Index :
© AJ Ward
'E' Menu

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Updated 14 Jan 2002, 24 May 2002