- Falkland Islands -
- The British asserted possession and it became a British Crown Colony in 1833 with formal annexation in 1908 and 1917
The territories of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands are administered from Stanley.
The first postage stamps were issued for the colony in 1878
Philatelic Bureau (est. 1978) & Agent data
- Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) - CIA Data:
- A dependent territory of the UK, also claimed by Argentina - Location: Southern South America, islands in the South Atlantic Ocean, east of southern Argentina
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- Falkland Islands Government: Philatelic Bureau page
- The Philatelic Bureau is located on the ground floor of the Town Hall.
Besides operating a stamp business for the Falkland Islands, the Philatelic Bureau is also the selling agent for the stamps and covers produced for the British Antarctic Territories ( although little input is afforded in the design and production of these stamps ). The Bureau also assists the Government of South Georgia & the South Sandwich Islands with the design, production and sale of the stamps and covers. The covers produced for these territories are cancelled within the territories concerned.
Opening Hours
The Bureau is open at the following times:
Monday to Friday - 0800 hrs to 1200 hrs, 1315 hrs to 1630 hrs, except on Public Holidays unless tourist ships are in Stanley whereupon the office will be opened if required. Most tourist vessels visiting Stanley are also visited by members of staff and sales promoted.
Overseas Agencies:
The Philatelic Bureau promotes the sale of its stamps abroad primarily with the help of the Crown Agents Stamp Bureau in Surrey, UK. The Crown Agents Stamp Bureau also assists with the printing of the stamps by commissioning the printers concerned (through a tender process) and the eventual delivery of the stamps to the Islands.
Crown Agents also assist in researching topics for inclusion in any design if requested.- Falkland Islands Philatelic Bureau - .Gov HomePage - Collect the History of the South Atlantic
Falkland Islands History
- and a 'Falkland Islands Stamps Gallary (1878-1984)'
- A nice display though a work in progress at StampTraders.com. I especially like his web technology - aj.
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