's Encyclopedia of Stamps & Philatelic Links
(including Okinawa)
(see also: Ryukyu)
International Affairs Division
Postal Bureau
Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications
M. Naoto Okada
Manager of the International Relations Section
3-2, Kasumigaseki 1 chome, Chiyoda-ku
TOKYO, 100-8798 JAPON
T駘駱hone (+81 3) 3504-4397, T駘馭ax (+81 3) 3593-9124
Email s-oomori@mpt.go.jp
From UPU
- Japan -
- annexed Korea in 1910. After joining allies during World War I, received German Pacific islands as mandates, 1919. After a war with China, occupied Manchuria, 1931-1932.
Postage stamps have been issued since 1871
Tokyo Central Post Office
Philatelic Section
CPO Box 888
Tokyo 100-91, Japan
and from Linn's: Agency:
Box 378, Malverne, NY 11565, USA
HREF="http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/ja.html">Japan - via the CIA:
- Location: Eastern Asia, island chain between the North Pacific Ocean and the Sea of Japan, east of the Korean Peninsula
Independence: 660 BC (traditional founding by Emperor Jimmu)
National holiday: Birthday of the Emperor, 23 December (1933)
Japan - FIP DATA
Philatelic Federation of Japan
Hiraoka Bldg, R 601
1-11 Ogawamachi Chiyoda-ku
Tokyo 101, Japan
Phone: 00813 3295 2722, Fax: 00813 3295 2722
- Japan Philatelic Society HOME PAGE
- Japan Philatelic Society, Foundation
4th floor, Philatelic Museum
Mejiro 1-4-23, Tokyo 171-0031, Japan
Phone: +81-3-5951-3311, Fax: +81-3-5951-3315
E-mail: info@yushu.or.jp- International Society for Japanese Philately, Inc.
- Japan's "Stamp News" English and Japanese
- Please contact to Shinichi Yoshida.
member of JPS Computing Philately Group
email: yoshidas@ppp.bekkoame..or.jp
last update Aug '97
- excellent material under headings:
Communications Museum
(Museum Attached To The IPTP)
- Utilization
- Exhibition
- History of posts
- Introduction of possession
- Presentation of stamps (1994-1997)
- Relevant Internet Sites
email: www-admin@iptp.go.jp
look for the 'English' link ;)
The IPTP is a policy research organization for the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications (MPT). It's mission is contributing to policy making of MPT by conducting basic research and investigation on postal services, logistics market, finance, economies, info-telecommunications, technology development and etc. from the medium and long-term points of view.Stamp Catalogs
- Japan catalogs (Reg. Issues, Topics, Varieties) - APS's WPID data is in ASCII comma delimited format
- ...The data can be imported into a database program such as Access, Approach, dBase, Foxpro, Paradox etc.,
Also the data has not been updated in a number of years... - others are needed to continue this task.
ftp sites for the WPID data:
ftp://ftp.funet.fi/pub/doc/mail/stamps/wpid/ ; use this one!
To enter new information contact the co-ordinator J. M. Myerson (71054.546@compuserve.com.)
Computers in Philately Committee
c/o Lois M. Evans-de Violini, Chairperson
P. O. Box 5025, Oxnard, CA 93031 USA
e-mail: lmevans@rain.org
- Japan Scott #378a - postal souviner sheet
- This souvenir sheet was issued on December 12, 1946, along with the four individual stamps (Scott 375-378) that are pictured on it, to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the government postal service in Japan. It measures 183 x 125 mm and is ungummed. There were two printings. In the first printing the four colors were printed simultaneously while in the second printing the stamp images were printed in one step and the sheet inscriptions in another. The two printings can be distinguished by the upper arched inscription which is in high relief in printing I and flat in printing II. There were 2,000 copies of printing I and 49,000 of printing II; the catalog values for unused sheets are $950 and $175 respectively.
- See also: Ryukyu Philately Encyclopedia - on it's return to Japan - see: Ryukyu ------------->>
- see you there..
- Japanese Occupation Postage Stamps
- This Site contains information on the Japanese Occupation of the British Colonies and China. I am presently working on other areas and these pages will be posted as they are completed.
Please send me an e-mail with your comments on these pages. Thanks, Richard.
e-mailto: rgh14@cvip.fresno.com
This page is maintained by:
Richard Harrison
P.O. Box 737
Clovis, California 93613
(559) 456-4975
Please e-mail me with your special wants in this area of philately.- Welcome too his Tripod pages
- China Occupation ; The Stamps of Japan
- S.C. Virtes - Exhibit Hall: Early Japan Commems
- 切手の"歯ィ館 - a private Japanese postal museum
- tel: +81 3 5951 3331
fax: +81 3 5951 3332
Reported to be a private stamp museum open to the public (entrance fee is 100Yen, 10:30 to 17:00 except Mondays), a 3 minute walk from Mejiro station in Tokyo.
- Philatelic Museums & Libraries data - Japan
- Links to Stamp Related Sites in Japan
- including to many individual post offices - the best set I've seen - mostly in Japanese
- Japan - Postal Cancellations and Post Cards of
- (unfortunately '404' a/o 6/00 aj.)
and note: the PCSG (Philately & Computing Study Group) tells of:
The Roman-Letter Swordguard Postmarks of Japan,
2nd ed. by Charles Swanson
Hardware required: Apple Macintosh computer.
Content: Page-by-page copy of author's published handbook of the same name (Cherokee Press, 1996). Uses FrameMaker, provided on the CD, to display the page images.
Lists 1577 Japanese post offices using these postal markings, both hand stamps and machine cancels; 241 illustrations. Includes rates and usage tables and Japanese-English dictionary of philatelic terms.
Price: $45.
Charles A.L. Swenson
8327 Old Jones Rd.
Alpharetta, GA 30201
Information posted: 04/98
as well as:
Forgeries of the Dragon, Cherry Blossom and Koban Postage Stamps of Japan
- by Thomas L. Zane, Ron Casey, and Lois M. Evans-de Violini
the UN lists as its distributor there (note: see Dealers directory for current data):
Japan Philatelic Agency
4-23, 1-Chome, Mejiro
Toshima-ku, Tokyo 171
Tel: 81-3-5951-3433
Fax: 81-3-5951-3431
E-mail: jpa@japan.email.ne.jp
- Complex97's Philatelic Center
- Welcome, my friend! Stamp is just such an object that has enthused me since I was a little boy. As I can remeber, I think it's from my aunt (my mother's sister) I first learned what stamp was. However, through all the past years, I did not start collecting stamps, because of lacking resources. Until last year when the Canadian OX stamp was issued, I decided to make my move. As soon as I started, I've enjoyed the knowledge I gained from the little images. Later, I noticed that the Internet had become the bigest resources for stamp collectors. Now, I purchase & trade stamps or relative items through the net with dealers & other collector.
---May 10, 1998
Have most recent used (Year 1988-1997) Japan commemorative stamps (off-paper, F-VF) ready for trade/sale. Also some pre-1988.
Trade value according to Scott Catalogue/Sale value 30% - 40% off from SCV.- Japan Post Office - a list of agents for Japan's stamps
- "For those who speak Japanese, you can get information about new Japanese stamp issues by calling 3294-9551 in Tokyo (from overseas that is 81-3-3294-9551 preceded by your international access code ( 011 in the US - from http://users.aol.com/TOKYOWN/WEBSITE/newjap.html - a private collector who posts information on new issues w/images).
Japanese New Issues are available from following Stamp Distributers
Harry Allen
P.O.Box5 Watford,Herts
England WD2 5SW
Fax +44・1923・47・5556
Plaza del Angel, 16.3B/Apartado
14.094/28080 Madrid Spain
Fax +34・1369・2138
Herrick Stamp Company
P.O.Box 400 Hewlett, New York 11557-0100, U.S.A.
Fax +1516・569・7093
Hong Kong:
Kowloon Philatelic Center
P.O.Box74473 Kowloon Central Post Office, Hong Kong
Fax +852・2771・4797
Theodore Champion
8, Rue des Messageries F-75010 Paris, France
Fax +33・42 46 73 49
Max Stern & Co.
G.P.O.Box997H, Melbourne VIC. 3001, Australia
Fax +61・39650・7192
Georg Roll Stamps
Hafenstrasse 8 P.O.Box130
D-26925 Elsfleth, Germany
Fax +49・4404・92・7222
Agentur Lid.
Box 50145, 202 11 Malmo, Sweden
De Rosa S.P.A.
Via Privata Maria Teresa, 11-20123, Milano, Italy
Fax +39・2890・0650
Kvindevadet 42, DK-5450, Otterup, Denmark
Fax +45・6482・1056
Wijinstraat 141
Dordrecht 3300AD Netherlands
Fax +31・78631・4163
British&Overseas Philatelic
Shibuya-ku 1-11-3
Tokyo, Japan
Fax +813・3499・3529
going Postal...
- Japanese Ministry of Posts & Telecommunications
- Please send your comments and suggestions to feedback@mpt.go.jp
.- >Japanese Post Office
- feedback@mpt.go.jp
.- Services of the Japanese Post Office
- feedback@mpt.go.jp
.- Postage rates
- .
- Japan - Tokai Regional Bureau of Postal Services
- .
- DPO ホームページ - Japan's 'Digial Post Office' - all Japanese
- .
- Okinawa Office of Post and Telcommunications - has English page
- .
- 僕の街の郵便局 - The 4 Post Office of Okinawa - images
- .
- Japanese Search Engines
Japan Dealers Directory Entities 'J' Menu © AJ Ward