's Encyclopedia of Stamps & Philatelic Links
(former Trans-Jordan)
Ministère des postes et des communications
M. Mohamed Zuhair Al Qahwaji
Vice-Secrétaire général
Directeur des affaires postales
Téléphone (+962 6) 585 9001, (+962 6) 585 1301
Téléfax (+962 6) 586 1059
From UPU
- Jordan -
- was part of the Turkish Empire from the 16th century until World War I. The area was divided into Palestine (west of the Jordan River) and Transjordan (east of the river) which was administered by Britain. It became independent in 1946 as Transjordan. The British mandate over Palestine ended in 1948 and it was renamed Jordan in 1949.
Postage stamps have been issued since 1920. - Philately.com
- Jordan -
- Up till the year 1918, during the Ottoman Empire's rule, the only postal stamps used were Ottoman issues. In the years 1919-1920 and during the reign of the late King Faisal stamps were issued bearing the Arab Kingdom emblem.
- In 1927 the first postal stamp with the picture of the late Prince Abdullah Bin Al Hussein was issued followed in 1932 with issues depicting historical monuments and archaeological sites in addition to different pictures of Prince Abdullah I.
- With independence in 1946, the establishment of the Parliament in 1947, the union of the East and West Banks of Jordan in 1952, and H.M the late King Hussein coronation in 1953 new stamps were issued in a rate of 6-10 times a year. - Jordan Post
- Jordan, Hashemite Kingdom of - Via the CIA:
- Location: Middle East, northwest of Saudi Arabia
Independence: 25 May 1946 (from League of Nations mandate under British administration)
King Husein (the PLK: plucky little king) is survied by his son Abdula, Feb. 1999
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and from Linn's:
Posts and Postal Savings Corp.
Philatelic Section
Box 71, Amman, Jordan
Jordan Dealers Directory Entities 'J' Menu © AJ Ward