's Encyclopedia of Stamps & Philatelic Links
Self-proclaimed as the: Transnistrian Moldovan Republic
(Pridnestrovskaya Moldavskaya Respublika or PMR)Moldova - was formerly a part of Romania, known as Bessarabia. The area became the Moldovian Soviet Socialist Republic in 1940. It was occupied by Romania, an ally of Germany during World War II, but was recaptured by the Soviet Union in 1944. Moldova declared independence in 1991.
Postal Contact:
Intreprindera De Stat,
Posta Moldovei,
bd. Stefan cel Mare, 134,
277012, Chisinau, Republica Moldova
Tel: +373.2.243660, Fax: +373.2.224290
Moldova - CIA Data : Location: Eastern Europe, northeast of Romania , northwest of Ukraine
Independence: 27 August 1991 (from Soviet Union)
Transnistria: History & Postage of a Philatelic Anomaly - By Jayseth Guberman ; now '404' Wee Cheng ... In the twentieth century, Transnistria has appeared twice. Less evil in its second incarnation, but no less problematic. Never an independent entity at any time, it has owed its existence to the charity of its benefactors. Romania and Germany in WWII, and to a much lesser degree, Russia and Ukraine more recently. ...
The geographic designation "Transnistria" appears to be a modern coinage from the Romanian "Trans-Nistru", literally the region beyond the Dniester River. In WWII, it described the area between the Dniester and Bug Rivers. At present, it is only that sliver shaped region of present-day Moldova, ...
This is a good read and includes:
"The Stamps of Transnistria 1992 to Date
- An Incomplete Reference List " - aj.
Modern Moldova - catalog to 1996; Wee Cheng ; '404' any help? First listing:
1 - 3 Independence (Flag & COA), imperf., 3v: 7c,13c,30c 23.06.91
PostEurop - Lists Moldova: Correspondence:
State Enterprise "Posta Moldovei"
134, avenue Stefan cel Mare
277012 Chisinau
Republic of Moldova
Mr Ilie Castravet
General Director
Tel: +373.2.243660
Fax: +373.2.224290
Members in "Customer Relations" Task Force
Natalia GULIPA
Posta Moldovei
Boulevard Stefan cel Mare, 134
MD - 2012 Chisinau
Language of correspondence: French
Moldova Dealers Directory Entities 'M' Menu © AJ Ward